Family: Ictaluridae
The CatfishesS
Freshwater catfishes (Ictaluridae) are native to North America, and are easily recognized. There are two species of Ictalurids here in Transylvania County, the brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) and the flat bullhead (A. platycephalus). They can be distinguished from one just by their chin whiskers (barbels) alone. The brown bullhead has dark pigmented chin whiskers (barbels). Whereas, the flat bullhead has white chin whiskers (barbels).

Assistant We observed this spawning event while surveying fishes in Nicholson Creek, a tributary to the upper French Broad near Brevard High School.

Collected while surveying the fishes of Mill Branch. Mill Branch is a small stream in Knox County, Kentucky and is in the upper Cumberland River Drainage.

This Solitary Lamprey was observed swimming upstream to spawn while snorkeling the upper French Broad River near Rosman on ​3-30-16.